My little girls has learned to roll over. Chloe rolled over for the first time right before she was 3 months old. Things have defiantly changed since she can roll over now. Now we can't put her on the couch, she spits up a lot more and she cries a lot more. She hasn't really discovered how to roll back onto her back once she is on her stomach. So at night she will roll over to her stomach and gets frustrated that she can't get back on to her back. Here are some pictures of her rolling over for the first time. I didn't get her in action, but she did roll over. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She can roll over, she can hold her head up pretty well, she laughs, holds on to toys and only wakes up once or twice in the night to eat. She is such a great baby. I am so blessed to have her in my life.
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