We had our first Halloween with Max. I will have to say the Halloween is a lot more fun when you have kids to dress up and take trick or treating. I can't wait for him to get older. Well the weekend of Halloween, my mom decided to come for a visit to see our house for the first time and or course to see Max. It was a lot of fun to have her here in Az. On Friday, we decided to drive to Sedona and spend the day. It was so pretty there and perfect weather. We went on a hike, had a picnic lunch, and walked around the shops. It is always nice to do something new and to get out of town just for the day.For Halloween, I decided to dress Max up as Tigger. At first he didn't like the costume especially having something on his head, but after a while he got use to it. It was very cute on him. It was so cute to see him crawl on the floor and all you can see is this tail dragging on the gound. I wish I had a picture of it, but all we have is the front.
We did take Max trick-or-treating and it was so mcuh fun. When we got up to a house, I put him down and held his hands so he could kind of walk up to the door. I would also put his pumpkin bucket around his hand so people could put the candy in his basket. When we got home, I let him play with the basket and he had so much fun playing with the candy and trying to eat it.
Max has a lot of fun playing with plastic cups. He will roll them all over the kitchen. One of the cups got under one barstool and then under the next barstool. Max wanted that cup so he tried to do what the cup did. Go under one stool and then the next, but he got stuck at the first one and couldn't not move.
One day, Paul comes back from running and sees that we have an owl sitting on our roof during the day. I have never seen an owl here especially during the day.
Thank you mom for coming to Az to visit us. It was so good to see you and spend time with you. Thank you for taking me shopping for my b-day.